
Supporting Your Big Picture

Emma Kneale

Jigsaw Consulting

Jigsaw was created in 2014 by Emma Kneale, after a friend approached her for support with their café’s bookkeeping. Shortly afterwards a thought occurred to Emma – if her friend needed help with their business’ bookkeeping and back-office tasks, maybe other small businesses did too?

And so, Jigsaw was born.

Fast forward several years, and Jigsaw is now a small team located in Douglas in the Isle of Man, serving a wide range of UK and Isle of Man based start-up enterprises.

Alongside our bookkeeping and back-office services, we also offer a range of consultancy services including infrastructure building; procedural reviews; help with internal changes; transitioning to new systems and software, and recommendations for outsourced services. 

Using the latest cloud accounting software and industry add-ons, we automate as much as possible whilst maintaining absolute clarity on your financial position, financial forecast, and business wellbeing.

Jigsaw’s goal is to empower business owners; keeping them accountable and on track with their business’ goals – allowing them to focus on growing their business, whilst enjoying what they do!

If back-office tasks are taking over your free time – outsource to Jigsaw today.

Book your free 30-minute discovery call:

Our Vision

Emma Kneale Jigsaw Consulting

We want Jigsaw to be the ‘go-to’ people for start-ups and transformational businesses on the Isle of Man. We love the enthusiasm that new & growing businesses have, and we want to remove all the elements from your task list that could put that enthusiasm at risk.

Our passion is your passion and we love hearing about your goals for the business and seeing how we can help you achieve all of them and more.

Our full end-to-end service means you don’t have to have multiple advisors, you can get everything you need under one roof and we can pull all the pieces of your business together, from concept to operating and scaling & exit.

We also want to align ourselves with a couple of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and steer our business towards helping these in some form.

We have chosen No Poverty & Quality Education as our goals and, over the next 12 months, will be working on ways to help and contribute to reducing these global issues.

We also recommend all businesses try to align to one or more of these UN Sustainable Development Goals wherever possible.

Please join our mailing list to find out more about this and how we aim to contribute.

Why choose us

Customer support

Dedicated account manager.

Transparent Fees

Fees to suit your business .

Industry specialists

We work together to deliver the results you seek to achieve.
Jigsaw Consulting Isle of Man

Book your free 30-minute discovery call

Jigsaw can help you get the right back-office support
to help launch, scale, and grow your business.